Bonusová povídka: Achillova pata


Stojí u dveří vlaku a připravuje se na výstup. Možná je to příliš brzy, ale chce mít jistotu, že si nesplete stanici. Cestuje tudy poprvé. Na nohou má bílé tenisky. No, bílé… bílé byly, když je kupovala. Bílé byly, když se je jednou v záchvatu pořádkumilovnosti pokusila vyčistit. Teď jsou jako prase, ale jí je to jedno. Zvláštní je, že po určité době i bílá barva na botách dostane určitou patinu a přestane pobuřovat. Zašlá bílá. To je ten odstín. Musí uznat, že i na zašlé bílé je něco sexy. Možná je zašlá bílá její oblíbený odstín. A trochu tím ředí pochmurnost svých černých šatů. Už je zkoušela vyměnit za něco veselejšího. Ale vždycky skončí v černých. Ještě pořád. Černá je dobrá. Zatím.

Na zastávce Amsterodam Sloterdyjk vystoupí.

Rozhlíží se.

Hledá navazující vlak na ostrov Texel.

Proč Texel?

Neví. A proč ne.

V těchto dnech může jet kamkoliv. Nemusí se ptát. Už ne.

Tak tedy Texel.

Možná proto, že to řekl On. Řekl, že na Texelu musí být krásně.

Tak to jede prozkoumat.

Často míval pravdu. Pravdu a nápady. No spíš nápady. Tolik věcí, které on sám nezažil. Tolik knih, které nepřečetl. Přinášel jí je do života. Jako dárky. Ale sám je nikdy nedočetl. Nedočkal se pointy, čtenářského potěšení, odměny od autora. Neměl na to povahu. Nebo odvahu.

A tak ona dělala ty věci za něj.

A bylo jí líto, že kvůli svému handicapu nemůže být s ní.

Jako by byl fantastický kuchař.

Uvařil, ochutnal, ale nikdy nezasedl v klidu k prostřenému stolu.

Sedne se do vlaku. Do první třídy. Směs praktičnosti a pýchy. Většinou se tu našla prázdná místa i bez rezervace, ale taky je to trochu posh. A posh, to ona je. Často zapomene, jak se to slovo správně píše, ale zní to líp, než že je snob. A snob, snob ona je. I když to zní směšně v těch špinavých bílých teniskách.

Posune protější sedačku kupředu. Zuje si boty a holé nohy položí na ni. Musí se trochu sesunout, protože její tělo kvůli svému malému vzrůstu dosahuje protilehlého místa jen obtížně. Potřeboval se zout. Už zase ji bolí. Její Achillova pata. On je její Achillova pata. Připomíná se. Chvíli dá pokoj a pak nečekaně zaútočí. Zpomalí ji. Zastaví.

Už se nezlobí. Koupila si do tenisek ortopedické vložky. Pomohlo to jenom na chvilku.

Zase je to zpátky. Přichází v návalech, vždycky, když už si myslí, že by mohlo být dobře.

Jenže ta úleva je jenom chvilková. Chvilku na tu nohu zapomene.

Ale je tady, pořád je tady.

Z vedlejší sedačky se zvedne mladá snědá žena v uniformě.

Všimla si, že první třídou jezdí hlavně železničáři. Asi i tady mají nějaké režijky.

Žena k ní s úsměvem přistoupí a řekne něco holandsky.

Usměje se, ale nerozumí ani slovo.

Žena přejde do velmi slušné angličtiny. To je tu perfektní. Jak dobře všichni mluví.

Milým hlasem ji požádá, aby si dala nohy na zem.

Omluví se. Ano. Překročila pravidla. Už zase. Měla by si na to dávat pozor.

On by řekl něco o píče. Sundal by nohy, usmíval se sladce, ale myslel si svoje. Okřikovat jeho, to si jen tak někdo nedovolil.

Jasné, samozřejmě, že ji to štve, ale ta železničářka má pravdu.

Ta žena má pravdu, a tak se jí omluví a nohy sundá.

Když žena poděkuje a vrátí se v klidu na své místo, otočí se a omluví se ještě jednou.

Nemůže se zlobit. Má pravdu.

Porušila pravidla. Je jí to líto. Už se to nestane.

Jo pravidla se musí dodržovat. Kdyby dodržovala pravidla, neseděla by teď tady.

Ve vlaku na Texel.

Pípne jí zpráva na Tinderu.
Trochu se za něj stydí, ale co už.

Sama, v zahraničí. Bylo na čase to zkusit. Má profil už dva dny. Prohlíží fotografie mužů a překvapuje ji, jak různě vypadají lidé v jejím věkovém slotu. Zároveň musí uznat, že Holanďani jsou převážně fešáci. Místo s auty se fotí s loděmi. Motorky mají stejně jako čeští muži, fotky s pivem taky. Ale mají ty oči námořníků.

Hi, on a vacation in Holland?

Yes, Haarlem, jazz festival, going to Texel island today.

I'm Ian.

Nice to meet you Ian.

Texel is really nice, you are going to love it. Sadly, it's a bit rainy today…

I have a raincoat, I knew where I am going to.


In the morning I just went to buy some food, and it so horrible rain started, I had to buy also umbrella … perfect business, in my next live I want to be umbrella producer in Holland.

Sorry, I think most umbrellas here come from China.


Are you here with friends?

I'm here completely alone on single trip … and this is the worse sentence you can write to the stranger on Tinder, but it's true.

Ha-ha that's true, I'm harmless thought.

Hope you are not a serial killer waiting for me.

I have never killed anyone … yet.

Never late to start.

You said it.

Until when are you staying in Holland? When are you going back to Prague?

Friday evening.

Ohhh … so fast.

Who know your travel destinations? ha-ha

Many friends











No no no

Good, those are really crazy…

I just leave the train. I'm trying to find the way to Texel…

Hint: it's the boat.

Ha-ha. Know. But how to find the boat? I'm not going to swim…

You don't have google maps?

What? Google what?


What are you doing?

Working from home.

Hard work I see.

Very hard.

Did you find the boat?

I got the bus, I have a ticket aaaaand now I'm coming to the boat ….


Hmmm. I can buy many sheep toys on the board … probably it's gone be some sheep there?

Ha-ha … yes you will see many sheep.

What kind of job you do? … So hard …

I'm software programmer.



Pretty cool.

Which kind of software?

Advertising software.

Cool for others, sometimes difficult job, needs time out sometimes, you never speak with happy people …

Your advertising software helps to sale something?

Also to me?

Yes, it could, if you like to click on banners haha.

I'm good customer specially clothes, shoes, bags, bags …

You are funny.

I'm, but I'm not sure, it's the win.

Hehe what prize do you want?

Nobel one. You?

Good choice, I admit.

Which area?

Renewable energy or so …


If can choose, I'll be happy with Nobel prize for literature.

But sure, renewable energy is also important … we need the light for reading.

And heating.

Yes, sauna is also good ideal, best is reading after sauna.

Sauna is very nice.

Or reading after something else.

They are many, many many of them…

Yes, the sheep?

Sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep,

sheep, sheep, sheep,

… and now horse

sheep, horse, sheep, sheep, sheep

Last time I was on Texel, I was maybe 20.

It's not so long time ago. Ha-ha. It's crazy, I have no idea what to do here.

It's place to enjoy fresh air, nature, beach.

And counting sheep…

Don't do that, you'll falla sleep.

Good joke, you are a smart boy.

I didn't know you also count sheep in Holland when you can't sleep.

Must be beach close to you where you arrived.

Hope so.

is it raining?

No no rain.

Oh, ur lucky.

It because I have a rain coat and umbrella …

Ha-ha yeah murphy's law.


Do people in Holland use to go sauna? Is it common like in Scandinavia?

Less common, most cities have a sauna, but not people at home like Scandinavia. ButI wish I had one at home.

Me to.

Ehm… I wish to have sauna in my home … not wish to you have sauna at home … lol

That's sounds great indeed.

You would be welcome to use my sauna haha.

Ha-ha now I know: serial killer.


Hot killer.

That sounds better.

I go to the beach ….

Ian? Are you still there?

I am.

Notification are on lol.

What it means notifications are on lol?

Oh, you sked me if I'm still here, I get notifications when you message me.

Maybe you are AI, not Ian, still there, no need to eat, no need to go somewhere ... but perfect.


I have to leave in 45 minutes.

Ok last order.

Is beach busy?

I love it, almost empty, some people with dogs.

It's one of the reasons why I travel … we are the country without sea, I really need this energy.

Yes, I understand that. …. Italy is closer though


Much more money for sun screen…

Ian. It's my first time I talk like this with someone on Tinder. I just want to thank you for the company on the trip. I just wana tell you before you leave.

You are welcome, I won't be gone forever you know. I'll be just going to the barber. Ha-ha

Barber wau.


I'm not the one who will control you where are you going, I just want to say it was my pleasure. Because actually I don't want how it works here.

It a dream …. Siting on the beach, feet in the wet sand, eating chocolate.

Yes, it's very nice there.

I'm hoping it will not rain Friday, might go to the beach too, I took the day off.

Sounds good, do it! Where is "your" beach?

I live in Delft, its close to many beaches. I don't know yet which one I will go to, depends on the weather.

And what your favorite travel destination if you have a sea at home?

Somewhere where it doesn't rain so much ha-ha. I love Italy, Spain and Portugal

Portugal is my favorite … pastel de nata

Yeah I really like the Algarve :-)

You speak Portuguese?

A little bit

I love Lisbon.

I'm not a big fan of Lisbon, too many hills

Lazy boy


Spain, Italy, Portugal … countries where you can get good coffee everywhere …

Ever tried Turkish coffee?

It depends. In my country the Turkish coffee is very common … but it doesn't mean the real Turkish I see

Ahhh I see

In Czechia Turkish coffee means you put hot water to thee cup with finely ground coffee beans …Originally Turkish is in special small kettle called "džezva"?

Yessss exactly I love that, they boil it in sand if it is done the proper way.


After 2 hours

Hola you.

Hi. Is there a new Ian made by barber?

Yessss all fresh again.

Hehe congratulations to your upgrade. I'm back in bus to the ferry …. sheep are boring .

I never heard of a person going to Texel just for some hours.

Im the first.


Its great. Sometimes I love to do something for the first time … mix of scary and enthusiasm.

That's true.

What did you do last time for the first time?

Woman older than me.

Good choice. How was it?

It was really good.

How many years/ moths/days older?

7 years older.

Best age.

Maybe. Did you ever have a younger guy ?


How it was for you?

When I was 25, I spent 2 years with the guy, who was 20, we are still friends ... it was good times and I didn't feel many differences.

Long time ago.

… but maybe it was not that question?

Go on

Once I was in the bar with my friend, I met a guy who had crush to me. We spent the evening together, no sex, but kissing and it was really good time … we had o lot of to talk and join … good connection … and then at 2AM he told me he is most half of my age … but he was really kind and he behaves as a real mature man more than others I met in my age. It was really surprisingly to me!

Maybe you should try again.

Yes, but little bit older.

Yes, maybe like 38.

Sure, perfect age

Cannot be my son.

Ha-ha yeah that's a bit weird maybe.

Mrs. Robinson song …. is that song.

I like that song.

I'm free on Friday btw.

I have a plane Friday 6PM.

Sounds doable.

What you mean doable?

Well if you need to catch the airplane at 18, you need to be there around 16:00.

Which means you still have some time to kill before that.


Ha-ha its true.

Kill or to be killed, that is the question.

I never hurt anyone.

You say.

Anyway, you can still think about it.

What's IT?

If you want to meet on Friday.

What is MEET?

Meet is when people visit each other.

Is meet still mean coffee, talk, fun … or mean something else in these days? Maybe I'm little bit old-school girl.

I mean I wouldn't force you to do anything but I mean fun … in between the bedsheets you know

For this kind of fun I need more time.

I understand.

But " n between the bedsheets" is perfect formulation, cool, I'm going to remember that

Ha-ha you are welcome.

I'm not so much open.

It's okay.

Is it common like that? Seriously. Without any prejudice I ask you: It's so easy meet someone for touches and sex. Are people looking for that?

Some people are, some not. Not every man is the same.


Well I think you are attractive and our conversation made me. So why not.

Its okay. Really. Why not. And I'm happy you asked. You are really handsome man, and now after barber …

You could come to my apartment … and I drive you to the airport.

Darling I can't, I can't like this … I can't.

I know. You already explained that. That was just what I was thinking. I wasn't trying to convince you … Lol … I know that's no is no at a lady

I always need to feel its part of miracle in it … I'm The Women … and I'm not sorry for that.

I understand.

But thanks for today and … we can dream about each other .

My pleasure.

Take care, darling, take care.

Tak to byla moje dnešní lekce Duolinga, pomyslí si a dá si holé nohy na protější sedačku.

Krásná. Holandsko je vážně krásná země.

Má muže s očima námořníků.

And you?

Yes. I'm here.

At the end of August there is a jazz festival in Delft. If you want to come again

Never enough jazz, dear. Holland is so wonderful country.